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Re: [Chicken-users] Scope problem?

From: Matt Gushee
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Scope problem?
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 17:06:37 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090213)

Peter Bex wrote:
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 04:11:27PM -0600, Matt Gushee wrote:
So, do I need further education, or should I report a bug?

I think we need to see the actual code to your fastcgi port to know more.
By the way, string-length is a R5RS procedure, so you shouldn't
need srfi-13.  (which makes it extra-odd that it works when you load

Sorry, it wasn't string-length, it was string-index. Also, one more detail that may be relevant: in this exploratory phase of development, I am running the code script-style, i.e. the script begins w/

  #!/usr/local/bin/chicken -script

Anyway, the fastcgi module code follows. I didn't change much:

 * Replace the old unit declarations with appropriate module

 * Changed miscellaneous foreign types as necessary.

 * Replaced a define-foreign-record section w/

 * Replaced all instances of make-property-condition with

 * Replaced the byte-vector in (get-scheme-str) with a u8vector.

I think that's about it. I can't say that I completely understand the code, though I will certainly learn it better as needed.

-- BEGIN fastcgi.scm ------------------------------------------------

[ copyright notice omitted ]

(module fastcgi
  ( fcgi-external-server-accept-loop
    *fcgi-slurp-chunk-size* )

  ( import scheme
           conditions )

;;; Stop the compiler complaining about implicit definitions.
  struct fcgx_request;
  struct fcgx_stream;
  int FCGX_Init();
  int FCGX_OpenSocket(char *, int);
  int FCGX_InitRequest(struct fcgx_request *, int, int);
  int FCGX_Accept_r(struct fcgx_request *);
  int FCGX_Finish_r(struct fcgx_request *);
  char *FCGX_GetParam(char *, char **);
  int FCGX_PutStr(char *, int, struct fcgx_stream *);
  int FCGX_GetStr(char *, int, struct fcgx_stream *);
  int FCGX_HasSeenEOF(struct fcgx_stream *);

;;; Low-level bindings for types/functions.

(define-foreign-type fcgx-stream c-pointer)
(define-foreign-type fcgx-param-array (c-pointer c-string))

;; Apparently define-foreign-record no longer exists
(define-foreign-record-type fcgx_request
  (constructor: make-fcgx_request)
  (int requestId fcgx_request-requestId)
  (int role fcgx_request-role)
  (fcgx-stream in fcgx_request-in)
  (fcgx-stream out fcgx_request-out)
  (fcgx-stream error fcgx_request-error)
  (fcgx-param-array env fcgx_request-env)
  ;; This is private stuff which in theory could change in future
  ;; (though AFAIK libfcgi hasn't changed significantly for years.)
  ;; We don't access these fields, but we need to allocate the correct
  ;; amount of memory when creating an FCGX_Request struct.
  (c-pointer params fcgx_request-params)
  (int ipcFd fcgx_request-ipcFd)
  (int isBeginProcessed fcgx_request-isBeginProcessed)
  (int keepConnection fcgx_request-keepConnection)
  (int appStatus fcgx_request-appStatus)
  (int nWriters fcgx_request-nWriters)
  (int flags fcgx_request-flags)
  (int listen_sock fcgx_request-listen_sock))

(define fcgx-init
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_Init"))

(define fcgx-open-socket
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_OpenSocket" c-string int))

(define fcgx-init-request
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_InitRequest" fcgx_request int int))

(define fcgx-accept-r
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_Accept_r" fcgx_request))

(define fcgx-finish-r
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_Finish_r" fcgx_request))

(define fcgx-get-param
    c-string fcgx-param-array))

(define fcgx-put-str
    c-string int fcgx-stream))

(define fcgx-get-str
    c-pointer int fcgx-stream))

(define fcgx-has-seen-eof

(define fcgi-discard-input
   ((fcgx-stream s))
   "char buf[1024];while(FCGX_GetStr(buf,sizeof buf,s)>0);"))

;;; The (relatively) high-level Scheme interface.

(define (wrap-out-stream s)
  (lambda (o)
    ;;; Keep writing until all the characters in o have been written, or
;;; until fcgx-put-str returns < 0, in which case we raise an exception.
    (let loop ((to-write (string-length o)))
      (unless (= 0 to-write)
        (let ((n (fcgx-put-str o to-write s)))
          (if (< n 0)
                "Error writing to libfcgi stream"
            (loop (- to-write n))))))))

(define *fcgi-slurp-chunk-size* 200)

(define (fcgi-get-scheme-str size s)
        (buf (make-u8vector size))
           ((u8vector buf)(int n)(fcgx-stream s))
 unsigned char *i = buf, *ei = buf + n;
 int delta = 1;

while(i < ei && delta > 0) i += (delta = FCGX_GetStr((char *)i, ei - i, s));
 if (delta < 0) C_return(delta); //error

 C_return(i - buf);
           ) buf size s))
        (str (blob->string (u8vector->blob buf))))
      ((< bufsz 0)
         "Error reading from libfcgi stream"
      ((= bufsz size) str)
      (#t (string-drop-right str (- size bufsz))))))

(define (wrap-in-stream s)
    ;; If an integer argument is given, read that
    ;; number of characters.
    ;; If #f or a negative integer is given, discard the entire POST input.
;; (Negative integer is allowed as well as #f, since earlier versions only
    ;; allowed negative integers.)
    ((n) (if (or (and (boolean? n) (not n)) (< n 0))
             (begin (fcgi-discard-input s) "") ; Discard the entire input.
             (fcgi-get-scheme-str n s)))
    ;; ...otherwise, read the entire stream.
        (lambda(seed) (fcgx-has-seen-eof s))
        (lambda(seed) (fcgi-get-scheme-str (inexact->exact(round seed)) s))
        (lambda(seed) (* seed 1.33))

;;; Utility function for incrementing a char**.
(define sarray-pointer+1
    (c-pointer c-string)
    (((c-pointer c-string) p))
    "return(p + 1);"))

(define (wrap-env e)
    ((k . alternative)
       (let ((r (fcgx-get-param k e)))
         (if r
           (optional alternative #f))))
     ;; Convert the char ** array into a list of key/value cons pairs.
     (let loop ((strlist '()) (p e))
       (let ((deref
((foreign-lambda* c-string (((c-pointer c-string) ps)) "return(*ps);")
            (loop (cons deref strlist) (sarray-pointer+1 p)))
               (lambda (s)
                 (let ((idx (string-index s #\=)))
                   (unless idx
                         "Internal error in libfcgi"
                     (substring s 0 idx)
                     (substring s (+ 1 idx)))))

(define *fcgi-has-been-initialised* #f)

(define (fcgi-accept-loop-proto open-socket callback)
  ;; Initialise the FCGX library if it hasn't already been initialised.
  (unless *fcgi-has-been-initialised*
    (unless (fcgx-init)
          "Unable to initialise libfcgi"
    (set! *fcgi-has-been-initialised* #t))
  ;; Open a socket.
  (let ((sock (open-socket)))
    (unless (>= sock 0)
(string-append "Unable to open socket using libfcgi:" (number->string sock))
    ;; Initialise a request object.
    (let* ((req (make-fcgx_request))
           (r (fcgx-init-request req sock 0)))
      (unless (>= r 0)
            "Unable to initialise libfcgi request struct"
      (let loop ()
        ;; Wait for a connection from the webserver.
        (let ((ar (fcgx-accept-r req)))
            ((>= ar 0)
             ;; The connection was successful, so call the callback...
                        (wrap-in-stream (fcgx_request-in req))
                        (wrap-out-stream (fcgx_request-out req))
                        (wrap-out-stream (fcgx_request-error req))
                        (wrap-env (fcgx_request-env req)))))
                   (fcgi-discard-input (fcgx_request-in req))
;; ... and wait for another connection if the callback didn't
               ;; return #f.
              ;; There was an error, so cleanup and raise an exception.
              (fcgx-finish-r req)
                "Error while waiting to accept request using libfcgi"

;;; Open the brand new listener socket - for external servers
(define (fcgi-external-server-accept-loop filename/port backlog callback)
       (lambda ()
            (if (string? filename/port)
              ;; To pass a port to FCGX_OpenSocket, you pass it a string
              ;; of the form ":PORT_NUMBER".
              (string-append ":" (number->string filename/port)))
  ;; body
  (fcgi-accept-loop-proto open-socket-closure callback)))

;;; Open nothing but return FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO - for static (dynamic) servers
(define (fcgi-dynamic-server-accept-loop callback)
  (fcgi-accept-loop-proto (lambda () 0) callback))

;;; For compatibility with earlier versions of this library.
(define fcgi-accept-loop fcgi-external-server-accept-loop)

(define (fcgi-get-post-data in env)
  ;; Some servers set HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH, others CONTENT_LENGTH.
  (let ((cl (env "HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH" (env "CONTENT_LENGTH"))))
    (if cl
      (let ((icl (string->number cl)))
        (if icl
          (in icl)
"Value of HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH or CONTENT_LENGTH is not an integer!"

-- END fastcgi.scm -----------------------------------------------------

Matt Gushee
: Bantam - lightweight file manager : :
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