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Re: [Chicken-users] Maintaining my eggs in a separate repository

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Maintaining my eggs in a separate repository
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:02:12 +0100

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:12 PM, Alejandro Forero Cuervo
<address@hidden> wrote:

Hi, Azul!

> I worked hard (with help from Mario and Felix) to try to make the
> Chicken Eggs repository serve as the central development location for
> most authors of Chicken extensions.  Ironically, it doesn't really
> serve this purpose for me any longer.

You should use the development style you prefer, and which makes
you most effective. If you find the current repository inconvenient,
then you should use your own location, of course.

> I feel the same about the Chicken wiki.  Some time ago I thought I
> would start using it as the canonical location for the documentation
> of my code and even the code itself (I'm starting to embed all my code
> inside wiki pages from which I automatically extract it, see
> or
> for examples).  I won't be
> maintaining separate wiki pages for the same egg (in different
> locations in eggref/); I feel it significantly undermines the point of
> the wiki.
> I will be creating a separate repository of Scheme code, where I will
> be maintaining all my code, probably with some scripting to
> semi-automatically dump it to the Chicken Eggs repository.  I will be
> treating the Chicken Eggs repository (both release/* and wiki/*)
> simply as a mechanism to make my code easy to deploy in Chicken, which
> is the direction in which I feel this repository is being taken by
> recent (and not-so recent) changes.

Not so much deployment, but maintenance. Migration to a new
version is always difficult - the repository/wiki layout is supposed
to help in this process, possibly at the cost of convenience.

Please use the method that makes you most productive, as long
as it is possible to access and synch the versions you maintain
and those in the chicken repo.



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