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Re: [Chicken-users] Wiki (early) spring cleaning!

From: minh thu
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Wiki (early) spring cleaning!
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:54:56 +0100

2009/3/10 felix winkelmann <address@hidden>:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Peter Bex <address@hidden> wrote:
>> This has been implemented now.
>> For example, you can visit to view the
>> Chicken 3 documentation for the 9p egg and
>> to view the Chicken 4 documentation for the egg.
> (Should probably mean "...eggref/4/9p" for the latter)
>> The "quick" (short URL) way to access an egg documentation has not
>> entirely disappeared; it used to be but it has
>> become  'egg' is simply a symlink in the
>> wiki's root directory that points to eggref/N, with N the current latest
>> release version.  This would be the preferred way to link to the egg, if
>> no particular version is intended.
>> If there are some hiccups resulting from this move, please let me know
>> about it.  There are four egg documentations (at least, files containing
>> the 'egg' tag) still left in the root.  I'd appreciate it if their
>> authors can have a look at them to see what should happen to them:
>> gl-display
>> growl
>> svnwiki-atom
>> svnwiki-javascript
> Thanks, Peter!

Sorry, I haven't followed the discussion.
I'm still on the mailing list but didn't use Chicken
for a long time (and it will probably not happen soon).

I'm the author of gl-display. Due to its state, I doubt
anyone is interested in it beside me, so it could be
deleted without problem for me.


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