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[Chicken-users] tinyclos and the repl

From: Rene Sansman
Subject: [Chicken-users] tinyclos and the repl
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 21:11:29 +0200


Chicken has worked wonderfully for me so far, but now I have run into
a problem I don't know how to solve. I want to use tinyclos from the
repl, but it does not work. I can use it from compiled code or from
the interpreter, but not from a repl that I start from a compiled
scheme file.

Here is a demonstration:
address@hidden src]$ cat scratch.scm
(require-extension tinyclos)
(define-class <foo> (<object>) (id))
(printf "~a~n" <foo>)
address@hidden src]$ csc scratch.scm
address@hidden src]$ ./scratch
#<class foo>
#;> (define-class <bar> (<object>) (id))
Error: unbound variable: <bar>

        Call history:

        <syntax>                (define-class <bar> (<object>) (id))
        <syntax>                (<object>)
        <syntax>                (id)
        <eval>          (define-class <bar> (<object>) (id))    <--

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