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[Chicken-users] display function that shows sharing

From: Sven . Hartrumpf
Subject: [Chicken-users] display function that shows sharing
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 21:37:08 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all.

Does chicken have a function that shows sharing in s-exps?
SRFI-38 can do this:
> (use srfi-38)
> (define a '(1 2))
> (define b (list a a))
> (write-with-shared-structure b)
(#1=(1 2) #1#)

The problem with SRFI-38 is that I don't want too see sharing
between strings!
So, is there a parameter for SRFI-38?
Or is there a more adequate function in Chicken? (like display-circle
in bigloo)


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