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[Chicken-users] re: Compiling a Shared Library from a SWIG interface

From: Michael McDermott
Subject: [Chicken-users] re: Compiling a Shared Library from a SWIG interface
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 21:30:58 -0600

I wrote a SWIG interface for OGLFT (a C++ library to handle FreeType fonts in OpenGL) and generated the source files with the command

swig -chicken -c++ interface.i

The files were generated correctly, so I ran (I also tried skipping this step):

chicken *.scm -output-file oglft.c

and then:

csc -I[include dirs for C++ headers...] -sv *.cxx *.c -o

The shared library was generated without errors. I then ran the chicken interpreter and ran

#;1> (require 'oglft)
; loading ./ ...
Error: (load) unable to load compiled module

        Call history:

        <eval>          (require (quote oglft)) <--

So what I am trying to figure out is which step, if any, in the creation of the library was incorrect?

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