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Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken and Objc on OS X

From: Kon Lovett
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken and Objc on OS X
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 14:43:20 -0700

On May 2, 2006, at 10:16 AM, Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:

OK. So I could not wait for the OS X binaries :)

I found that darwin ports provides a libffi and so I installed that
and then installed chicken (2.3) through darwin ports.

Then I tried to install objc using "chicken-setup objc". The package
was fetched but the compilation gave the following error.

Somebody else had this problem:

But I don't know what he did to fix it. Maybe contact him.

 /opt/local/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s cocoa.scm -objc
-O2 -d1 -framework Cocoa -X ./objc.scm
Error: during expansion of (define-ns:struct->locative ...) - unbound
variable: string-upcase

       Call history:

       <eval>          (%objc (quote maybe) target arg args)
       <eval>          [%objc] (eq? target (quote super))
       <eval>          [%objc] (null? args)
       <eval>          [%objc] (##sys#list (quote objc:invoker)
(##sys#list (quote quote) safe?) target (objcify-selector
(symbol->string arg)))
       <eval>          [%objc] (##sys#list (quote quote) safe?)
       <eval>          [%objc] (objcify-selector (symbol->string arg))
       <eval>          [%objc] (symbol->string arg)
       <eval>          [objcify-selector] (string-split sel "-")
       <eval>          [objcify-selector] (for-each (lambda (s)
(string-upcase! s 0 1)) (cdr pieces))
       <eval>          [objcify-selector] (cdr pieces)
       <eval>          [objcify-selector] (apply string-append pieces)
       <eval>          (##sys#register-macro (quote
define-ns:struct->locative) (lambda (type) (define (symbol-conc .
symbols) (string->symbol...
       <eval>          (conc "ns:" type)
<eval> (conc "objc:NS" (string-upcase (->string type)))
       <eval>          (string-upcase (->string type))
       <eval>          (->string type) <--
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 70:
/opt/local/bin/chicken cocoa.scm -output-file cocoa.m -dynamic
-feature chicken-compile-shared -quiet -feature compiling-extension
-ffi-define __OBJC__ -optimize-level 2 -debug-level 1 -extend
make: Failed to make shell invocation failed with non-zero
return status
Error: shell invocation failed with non-zero return status
"/opt/local/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s cocoa.scm -objc
-O2 -d1 -fr...

I saw a similar error log on the mailing list for build 2.216 but not
sure if anyone ran into this one on 2.3.

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