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[Chicken-users] Problem w/ srfi-47.scm

From: Kon Lovett
Subject: [Chicken-users] Problem w/ srfi-47.scm
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 20:11:44 -0700


srfi-47 was written w/ the assumption that a instance of a variable 'x' in the body of a form '(define x ...)' references the "earlier" binding. So w/ CHICKEN 2.201 (array? (make-arrary '#() 2 2)) will loop forever. Below is a patch for srfi-47.scm to correct this and another problem.

Best Wishes,

> (define array:predicate? array?)
< (define array?
<   (lambda (obj)
<     (or (string? obj)
<       (vector? obj)
<       (and (##sys#generic-structure? obj)
< (memq (##sys#slot obj 0) '(u8vector u16vector s8vector s16vector u32vector s32vector f32vector f64vector)) )
<       (array? obj))))
> (define (array? obj)
>       ; can't be immediate data, ##sys#generic-structure? will blow
>       (and (not (or (fixnum? obj) (char? obj) (boolean? obj)))
>               (or (string? obj)
>                       (vector? obj)
>                       (and (##sys#generic-structure? obj)
>                                (memq (##sys#slot obj 0)
> '(u8vector u16vector s8vector s16vector u32vector s32vector f32vector f64vector)))
>                       (array:predicate? obj))))

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