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[Chicken-users] is define-http-resource converting POST into GET?

From: Michele Simionato
Subject: [Chicken-users] is define-http-resource converting POST into GET?
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 04:40:00 -0400

I was doing some experiment like this one:

(define-http-resource (/login)
  `(form (@ (method "post") (action "process-login"))
      "Enter your name" (input (@ (type "text") (name "username")))))

(define-http-resource (/process-login username)  
  (let ()
    (spiffy-debug (get-var "username"))
  `(h1 "Welcome on board, " ,username)))

and I am noticing that my browser shows a GET-like query string:


The output of spiffy-debug confirm this. So, it looks like define-http-resource 
is converting POST into GET somewhere.This should be documented.

            Michele Simionato

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