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Re: #1251: eping attempts to emit an import library out of the import so

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: Re: #1251: eping attempts to emit an import library out of the import source file
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 13:35:29 -0000

#1251: eping attempts to emit an import library out of the import source file
            Reporter:  Mario Domenech Goulart  |      Owner:  mikele
                Type:  defect                  |     Status:  closed
            Priority:  major                   |  Milestone:  someday
           Component:  extensions              |    Version:  4.10.x
          Resolution:  wontfix                 |   Keywords:  eping
Estimated difficulty:  easy                    |
Changes (by sjamaan):

 * status:  new => closed
 * resolution:   => wontfix


 Looks like eping is no longer maintained. It's a CHICKEN 4 egg which
 hasn't been ported to CHICKEN 5. Also, the repository link is broken.
 Closing this as it is very unlikely this will ever be fixed.

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