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Re: #1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: Re: #1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 12:53:39 -0000

#1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)
            Reporter:  zerica   |      Owner:  (none)
                Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
            Priority:  major    |  Milestone:  someday
           Component:  unknown  |    Version:  6.0.0
          Resolution:           |   Keywords:
Estimated difficulty:  medium   |

Comment (by zerica):

 hm, no, i mightve been wrong here. this was logged before:

 chicken.h:2622:17: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'unsigned
 long' of value 9223372036854775808 (64-bit, unsigned) to type 'int64_t'
 (aka 'long') changed the value to -9223372036854775808 (64-bit, signed)
 SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior chicken.h:2622:17

 which points to `C_s64 num = C_bignum_digits(x)[0];` in

 inline static C_s64 C_num_to_int64(C_word x)
   if(x & C_FIXNUM_BIT) {
     return (C_s64)C_unfix(x);
   } else {
     C_s64 num = C_bignum_digits(x)[0];
 #ifndef C_SIXTY_FOUR
     if (C_bignum_size(x) > 1) num |=
 (C_s64)(((C_u64)C_bignum_digits(x)[1]) << 32);
     if (C_bignum_negativep(x)) return -num;
     else return num;

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