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#1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 12:27:25 -0000

#1847: integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)
            Reporter:  zerica   |       Type:  defect
              Status:  new      |   Priority:  major
           Milestone:  someday  |  Component:  unknown
             Version:  6.0.0    |   Keywords:
Estimated difficulty:  medium   |
 similarly to the previous ticket, i'm building chicken with the clang
 integer ub sanitizers, which also trap here:

 Can hold maximum value 9223372036854775807...
 Can hold minimum value -9223372036854775808...

 Error: illegal instruction

         Call history:

         compiler-tests.scm:352: g1093
         compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.base#print
         compiler-tests.scm:352: scheme#call-with-current-continuation
         compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler
         compiler-tests.scm:352: ##sys#call-with-values
         compiler-tests.scm:352: k1108
         compiler-tests.scm:352: g1111
         compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.base#print
         compiler-tests.scm:352: scheme#call-with-current-continuation
         compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler
         compiler-tests.scm:352: ##sys#call-with-values
         compiler-tests.scm:352: k1126
         compiler-tests.scm:352: g1129
         compiler-tests.scm:353: chicken.base#print
         compiler-tests.scm:353: chicken.base#print
         compiler-tests.scm:353: chicken.base#print              <--
 make: *** [rules.make:1017: check] Error 70

 this is right before the test code attempts to confirm the c variables
 can't take a value outside their bounds. i'm not sure where exactly the
 code that checks whether an integer is representable in a 64 bit c
 variable lives, but it seems to trigger the overflow before checking
 whether the operation is actually valid. if so, that would be ub and
 therefore unsound

Ticket URL: <>
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