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#1800: chicken-install fails installing eggs when encountering truncated

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1800: chicken-install fails installing eggs when encountering truncated/empty .egg-info files
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2022 12:57:15 -0000

#1800: chicken-install fails installing eggs when encountering truncated/empty
.egg-info files
            Reporter:  Vasilij       |       Type:  defect
  Schneidermann                      |
              Status:  new           |   Priority:  major
           Milestone:  someday       |  Component:  core tools
             Version:  5.3.0         |   Keywords:  chicken-install
Estimated difficulty:  easy          |
 When installing eggs with {{chicken-install}}, it checks for already
 installed files by walking over all installed .egg-info files with
 {{matching-installed-files}} and {{load-egg-info}}. If one of these .egg-
 info files cannot be {{read}}, the whole installation process aborts. A
 similar phenomenon applies to {{chicken-uninstall}} with {{remove-
 extension}} and {{load-egg-info}}. The user must therefore manually delete
 all affected egg files to have a working set of eggs again.

 Two proposals:

 - Considering that the {{egg-info}} files are some sort of database, there
 should be a consistency check to ensure their integrity when
 installing/removing eggs.
 - If installing/removing eggs comes across a malformed {{egg-info}} file,
 it should display a warning and skip processing it. Maybe even suggest a
 manual uninstallation.

 As for why these truncations happen, no idea. I've observed one such case
 with egg installation of srfi-27 and math on Windows, presumably due to
 maximum command length limits.

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CHICKEN Scheme is a compiler for the Scheme programming language.

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