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#1798: No promise type.

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1798: No promise type.
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 22:16:24 -0000

#1798: No promise type.
            Reporter:  Zipheir  |       Type:  defect
              Status:  new      |   Priority:  minor
           Milestone:  someday  |  Component:  core libraries
             Version:  5.3.0    |   Keywords:  types, promises
Estimated difficulty:           |
 Although promises are a Scheme type, `(chicken type)` does not provide a
 `promise` type.  What ''does'' work is `(struct promise)`, which seems
 like an abstraction leak.  Please expose a type for promises; even better,
 provide a parametric promise type, so that `(promise t)` is a type of
 delayed `t` values.

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CHICKEN Scheme is a compiler for the Scheme programming language.

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