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#1797: checked inline procedures should not call intern

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1797: checked inline procedures should not call intern
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:23:32 -0000

#1797: checked inline procedures should not call intern
            Reporter:  sjamaan  |       Type:  defect
              Status:  new      |   Priority:  major
           Milestone:  5.4      |  Component:  core libraries
             Version:  5.3.0    |   Keywords:
Estimated difficulty:  easy     |
 As found by Felix, inline safe procedures like `C_i_char_equalp` call
 `C_i_check_char_2` which requires a call to `intern0` to provide error
 reporting, sometimes more than once, even when there's no error.

 This is highly inefficient and should be done differently. A quick fix
 would be to pass `C_SCHEME_FALSE` (or use the non-`_2` version like
 `C_i_check_char`) but perhaps it's better to have C versions of the
 checking predicates that can call intern0 on a C string in case of error.

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