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#1772: importing the same module over and over eats up more and more mem
From: |
Chicken Trac |
Subject: |
#1772: importing the same module over and over eats up more and more memory |
Date: |
Wed, 21 Jul 2021 06:04:58 -0000 |
#1772: importing the same module over and over eats up more and more memory
Reporter: sjamaan | Type: defect
Status: new | Priority: major
Milestone: 5.4 | Component: unknown
Version: 5.2.0 | Keywords:
Estimated difficulty: hard |
Reported by "plugd" on IRC:
(import (chicken string)
(chicken gc)
(chicken io))
(let loop ()
(print (conc "Memory statistics: " (memory-statistics)))
(eval '(begin (import (chicken string)) (print "Hello.")))
I checked, and CHICKEN 4 also exhibits this behaviour, so it's not
something new we recently introduced (as I remember we've been putting
some effort into optimizing library imports)
Ticket URL: <https://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/1772>
CHICKEN Scheme <https://www.call-cc.org/>
CHICKEN Scheme is a compiler for the Scheme programming language.
- #1772: importing the same module over and over eats up more and more memory,
Chicken Trac <=