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#1764: qwiki search doesn't filter out outdated pages by default

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1764: qwiki search doesn't filter out outdated pages by default
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2021 10:07:36 -0000

#1764: qwiki search doesn't filter out outdated pages by default
            Reporter:  Vasilij Schneidermann  |       Type:  enhancement
              Status:  new                    |   Priority:  minor
           Milestone:  someday                |  Component:  wiki
             Version:  5.2.0                  |   Keywords:  qwiki
Estimated difficulty:  easy                   |
 Some feedback from

   As a beginner, I find the wiki difficult to use because of the
 prevalence of both outdated version 4 information and version 5
 information. The search could also be improved.

   I find the search in the wiki (and Google search) almost impossible to
 use as it always returns documentation for older CHICKEN versions with no
 way to view the same page for the latest version of CHICKEN.

 The below patch changes the default search behavior to filter out outdated
 pages (matching the {{{^(eggref|man)/[34]}}} regex). Users who wish to
 include outdated pages may tick a checkbox to obtain the full result set.
 Some CSS adjustments might be necessary before rolling this out.

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