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Re: [Chicken-janitors] #1362: A case when composing with ir-macro-transf
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Chicken Trac |
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Re: [Chicken-janitors] #1362: A case when composing with ir-macro-transformer |
Date: |
Fri, 14 Apr 2017 16:04:14 -0000 |
#1362: A case when composing with ir-macro-transformer
Reporter: megane | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 4.13.0
Component: expander | Version: 4.12.0
Resolution: | Keywords: ir-macro-trasformer
Estimated difficulty: hard |
Comment (by sjamaan):
Essentially, the bug is this:
(define-syntax wrapper/do-nothing
(lambda (e r c)
(let* ((%x (r 'x))
(%%x (r %x)))
`(let ((,%x 1)
(,%%x 2)) ;; Twice the rename, twice the regret
,(cadr e))))))
(define x 1)
(display (wrapper/do-nothing x)) ;; Should print 1, but prints 2
That's because {{{ir-macro-transformer}}} will rename the entire input
form, which may contain identifiers which already have been renamed by
another macro, resulting in an "undo" of the renaming of those double-
renamed identifiers.
You can test the above snippet in Chibi, MIT Scheme or Scheme48 (remove
the {{{er-macro-transformer}}} wrapper from the lambda to test it in the
latter), they all print 1. I've sent a patch to chicken-hackers which
fixes this.
Ticket URL: <https://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/1362#comment:2>
CHICKEN Scheme <https://www.call-cc.org/>
CHICKEN Scheme is a compiler for the Scheme programming language.