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Re: [Chicken-janitors] #1343: Unable to create R7RS libraries which don'
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Chicken Trac |
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Re: [Chicken-janitors] #1343: Unable to create R7RS libraries which don't import quote |
Date: |
Mon, 30 Jan 2017 13:36:19 -0000 |
#1343: Unable to create R7RS libraries which don't import quote
Reporter: ashinn | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: someday
Component: unknown | Version: 4.11.0
Resolution: | Keywords:
Estimated difficulty: |
Comment (by ashinn):
This may be more complicated than I thought. The example is:
(define-library (chibi iset)
(import (chibi iset base)
(chibi iset iterators)
(chibi iset constructors))
%make-iset make-iset iset? iset-contains? Integer-Set
iset iset-copy list->iset list->iset!
iset-adjoin iset-adjoin! iset-delete iset-delete!
iset-union iset-union! iset-intersection iset-intersection!
iset-difference iset-difference!
iset-empty? iset-fold iset-fold-node iset-for-each iset-for-each-node
iset-map iset->list iset-size iset= iset<= iset>=
iset-cursor iset-cursor? iset-cursor-next iset-ref end-of-iset?))
with the 3 imported libraries as implemented in chibi, all of which build
successfully. However, attempts to create a smaller example have failed.
Ticket URL: <https://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/1343#comment:1>
CHICKEN Scheme <https://www.call-cc.org/>
CHICKEN Scheme is a compiler for the Scheme programming language.