From: | Chicken Trac |
Subject: | Re: [Chicken-janitors] #792: CR: deprecate "make" syntax from "setup-api" module |
Date: | Mon, 27 Feb 2012 16:29:11 -0000 |
#792: CR: deprecate "make" syntax from "setup-api" module -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------- Reporter: felix | Owner: Type: change request | Status: new Priority: minor | Milestone: Component: core libraries | Version: 4.7.x Resolution: | Keywords: make setup-api -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------- Comment(by ckeen): With my small shell-fu the following eggs would be affected: {{{ find ./release/4 -name \*.setup -exec grep -H make\ {} \; |grep trunk | cut -f1 -d: |sort -u | while read f; do basename $f; done 9ML-toolkit.setup bind.setup crunch.setup dbus.setup dissector.setup easyffi.setup flsim.setup hyde.setup iexpr.setup jbogenturfahi.setup kanren.setup loop.setup make.setup miniML.setup nemo.setup objc.setup openal.setup opengl.setup pulseaudio.setup qt.setup qwiki.setup scss.setup signal-diagram.setup spiffy-uri-match.setup spock.setup stalin.setup static-modules.setup sxml-informal.setup utf8.setup vandusen.setup zmq.setup }}} That's 31 a managable small number. So for the sake of a leaner core system I am for it. -- Ticket URL: <http://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/792#comment:2> Chicken Scheme <http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/> Chicken Scheme is a compiler for the Scheme programming language.
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