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Re: Proposal: using pkg-config for foreign dependencies in .egg-files

From: felix . winkelmann
Subject: Re: Proposal: using pkg-config for foreign dependencies in .egg-files
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 19:26:19 +0200

> Slight request: instead of 'which' as a keyword, why not use the 
> already-extant extended srfi-0 feature identifier for pkgconfig presence?

I think the occurrence of "which" was just for explanational purposes:
it merely signifies to check for the presence of the "pkg-config" tool..

> Second: how will this be affected in cross-compilation where the target 
> system has and the host system does not, or vice versa? Will it matter, both 
> in the case of standard and non-standard locations? (Well, really, in the 
> four cases.)

That is indeed a tricky question. I personally have not yet figured
out how to handle this consistently. There are several solutions to
this: ignore the pkg-config spec for targets, require a specially named
pkg-config for the target, having another set of env-vars for overriding
the setting or other ways that have been overlooked. But it certainly
is an important issue.


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