I am doing this:
0059 address@hidden /t/tst ➤ echo ';; nevermind' > ~/.chickens/master/share/chicken5/setup.defaults
0101 address@hidden /t/tst ➤ cat tst.egg
;; -*- scheme -*-
((author "me")
(dependencies flopdido)
(components (program tst)))
0059 address@hidden /t/tst ➤ chicken-install5 -v
checking tst ...
checking platform for `tst'
checking dependencies for `tst'
missing: flopdido
flopdido not cached
Error: extension or version not found
Call history:
<syntax> (##core#require library scheme#)
<syntax> (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
This patch informs the user which extension wasn't found and is pretty trivial.
There is another location in chicken-install.scm that looks suspiciously similar, but I couldn't figure out how to trigger it or test it. But I think this should be applied too:
modified chicken-install.scm
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
(let-values (((dir ver) (locate-egg name version)))
(when (or (not dir)
(null? (directory dir)))
- (error "extension or version not found"))
+ (error "extension or version not found" name))
(d retrieve-only "~a located at ~a~%" egg dir)
(set! canonical-eggs
(cons (list name dir ver) canonical-eggs)))))))
Can someone help me trigger this error message?