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Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH][5] Fix types.db entries after SRFI-1 and S

From: Evan Hanson
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH][5] Fix types.db entries after SRFI-1 and SRFI-13 removal
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 21:37:33 +1200

(Summarizing an IRC convo.)

CHICKEN 4 doesn't distinguish between the multiple versions. That's more
or less fine for `assoc` and `member`, but not cool in general. But,
CHICKEN 5 resolves this by giving them all unique names, so not worth
too much time.

`rassoc` is weird. I wouldn't usually reach for it, but rather for
something more general like `find`. In any case, we can fix it up (and
add rassq, rassv), or kill it, later. Patch pushed as-is.


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