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Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATH] Add an Emacs dir-locals file to enforce pro

From: Jay Sulzberger
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATH] Add an Emacs dir-locals file to enforce project style
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 21:05:46 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 24 Dec 2013, John Cowan <address@hidden> wrote:

Peter Bex scripsit:

You can use the same tab settings I put in the emacs file in any other

Oh, if it's just about tabs, I don't care: I never use the tab key when
writing Lisp code.

Lisp indentation, like in Riastradh's style guide:

Which says you should use Emacs to reformat.

That's nonsense.  As long as you stick with the style guide above,
you can do it in any editor.  In fact, just today I noticed there
are several "Paredit" implementations for many editors, which will
probably take care of some aspects of indentation, too.

Not for 'ex', though.

There is no way to indent an entire file with Emacs.  It goes
completely fubar on files with embedded C.

Good point; fortunately, I don't use embedded C.

Anyway, why am I telling you how to indent Scheme code?  You're a
Schemer, how the hell are you indenting your files right now?

Pretty much how I feel like.  However, when writing code to be added to
R7RS, I used an Emacs one-liner that someone gave me.

John Cowan    <address@hidden>

I'd be delighted to have a copy of this one-liner.


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