On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:56 AM, Magnus Achim Deininger
<address@hidden> wrote:
I take it you haven't seen my assembly sources yet :). That was my point
though, if you actually develop in assembly, depending on how you do it,
source and disassembler output for an object file can be pretty much
identical, and it's not obfuscated, massaged, altered or the like. How
that FUD? Just because it's rare for developers to actually write
code directly and separate code and documentation?
If it's your preferred form, then it's the source for GPL purposes.
But all I can say is, back in the days when I wrote assembly language
(for the PDP-8 and then the PDP-11) fluently, I made sure to put a
comment on *every* line of code.