minh thu wrote:
> 2007/2/26, Brandon J. Van Every <address@hidden>:
>> Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
>> >
>> > Efficient math operators would be useful to me. That's what I always
>> > wanted out of Chicken Scheme. Perhaps we could put Chicken through
>> > some kind of 3D number crunching demo. Of course, the question is
>> > whether Chicken can do a provably good job at it. If there are no
>> > performance advantages to Chicken, then people are just going to use
>> > Python, Ruby, or Lua. There are already Python and C# / .NET bindings
>> > for Ogre. Yet-another-scripting-language, by itself, is not a
>> value add.
>> >
>> > Maybe Continuations are a benefit somehow.
>> Being able to compile scripts into machine code might be useful for
>> security and anti-piracy purposes. Most scripting languages and virtual
>> machines are cake to reverse engineer from bytecode.
>> I have succeeded in getting MSVC set up with a sample application.
>> http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/SettingUpAnApplication
>> Now there's lotsa API stuff to chug through. There are lotsa tutorials
>> though.
>> http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/Ogre_Tutorials
> Hi,
> Sorry for responding so late.
> When I said I was interested, I didn't know about your mail on
> chicken-hackers about choosing C++ and maybe Ogre. So, I'm still
> interested in a 3D engine but I won't do C++ now.
There aren't any C 3D engines out there. Well, I found*one* engine,
http://www.openrm.org/docs/OpenRM-general-FAQ.shtml#cplusplus in a few
years of searching, but I wouldn't want to use it. A lot of their
website hasn't changed since 2005. Their user mailing list never had
many posts, and nobody has posted since 2005. Finally, it's not game
oriented. Using an extant 3D engine for game development means getting
your hands dirty with C++ in any practical industrial sense. Well,
unless you go for Java or C#, but that's not relevant to Chicken.
> For securing a vm, you might want to have a look at E Right. I think
> it's based on the jvm but adds strong security related mechanisms (not
> just distribution).
> Concerning Chicken, would it be sufficient to provide a limited
> environment (the sandbox egg) ?
I don't have a pressing need for a security solution. I'm just fishing
in the dark for how Chicken could be a value add over the straight Ogre
engine. "Eeew, it's C++" isn't part of my thinking anymore. That kind
of thinking has made me irrelevant to the game industry. I've decided
that industrial considerations, i.e. the size of a community, the
maturity of the project, what's already done, what's documented and
tutorialized, are more important than ideologies of perfect programming
languages. I think Chicken has to interface to C++ to be of any value
to the game industry. It's naive to think that "from scratch" in
Chicken Scheme will have any impact on the industry at all.