John Cowan wrote:
Brandon J. Van Every scripsit:
My world is OpenGL and C FFIs.
Then don't talk as if you spoke for the whole Chicken community.
It's irritating at best.
If you avoid getting personal in engineering design discussions, you'll
get a lot farther with people. I've provided my opinions and plainly
labeled them as such. Since they are rationally stated and have the
merits of focus and execution behind them, I don't apologize if you
find them irritating.
I don't count myself in the uber-GUI camp. I'm interested in quickly
getting OpenGL windows and events functioning. Minh Thu and John
Emhoff actually have some code for this already. Our outlook is game
oriented, so we have a lot of agreement on what the interfaces and
abstractions should and shouldn't be. We're going to write code and
not worry about what an uber-GUI needs. Maybe we'll be one of the
uber-GUI backends someday. Or maybe doing 1 thing well, matters a
great deal more than trying to be all things to all people.
Brandon Van Every