On 12/5/06, Brandon J. Van Every <address@hidden> wrote:
CMake 2.4.5 has shipped. Apparently CMake 2.4.4 had some major
problems, prompting a quick patch release. I have bumped Chicken's
build requirement to CMake 2.4.5 because I really don't want to know
what CMake 2.4.4's problems were, if any. Most users can obtain CMake
2.4.5 binaries from http://www.cmake.org . Cygwin users need to compile
CMake 2.4.5 from sources. I did this, it works fine. I did get an
error about CVS or something during the initial configuration, but it
didn't affect the actual build. If you get any kind of error, just plod
on. I don't know if it was specific to my system and I don't feel like
trying to track it down.
Well, 2.4.4 worked fine for me, do we really have to require 2.4.5?