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[bug #61038] Windows post fails to post files over 65536 bytes,

From: anonymous
Subject: [bug #61038] Windows post fails to post files over 65536 bytes,
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 14:26:26 -0500 (EST)

Follow-up Comment #11, bug #61038 (group wget):

WGET binary compiled by Martin Guy as part of SOX:

"http://martinwguy.net/test"; ca 18 MiO EXE size

"wget.exe" 18'711'399

Test results:
* the binary is aburdly bloated and the size is
  even odd (usually it's a multiple of 256 O)
* it works somewhat
* the debug verbosity is very high (much higher than I am
  used to from CURL)
* I can GET files
* I can POST files below 8 KiO
* I can POST files over 8 KiO but below 64 KiO (this
  failed with version 1.19.4)
* POST:ing of files over 64 KiO reliably fails (this works with
  CURL, and this used to work with good old 1.11.4 before the
  servers started hating its crypto support)

This is what the debug verbosity reveals:

    ---request begin---
    POST /xxx.php HTTP/1.1
    Host: www.xxx.net
    Referer: https://www.xxx.net
    User-Agent: myagent
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: identity
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
    Content-Length: 81517
    Cookie: xxx

    ---request end---
    [writing BODY file MYHUGEBODY.TXT ... Retrying.

    --2025-01-03 09:52:56--  (try: 3)  https://www.xxx.net/xxx.php
    Found www.xxx.net in host_name_addresses_map (03d641d0)
    Connecting to www.xxx.net||:443... seconds 60.00, Winsock
error: 0
    Created socket 4.
    Releasing 0x03d641d0 (new refcount 1).

    ---request begin---
    POST /xxx.php HTTP/1.1
    Host: www.xxx.net
    Referer: https://www.xxx.net
    User-Agent: myagent
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: identity
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
    Content-Length: 81517
    Cookie: xxx

    ---request end---
    [writing BODY file MYHUGEBODY.TXT ... Giving up.

    Saving cookies to XXX.TXT.
    Done saving cookies.

The error code is 4. The interesting line is:

    [writing BODY file MYHUGEBODY.TXT ... Retrying.


    [writing BODY file MYHUGEBODY.TXT ... Giving up.

While the debug verbosity is very high most of the time, it seems
to temporarily sink to ZERO exactly at the moment when the writing
of the body fails. :-( Absolutely no clue what the problem is.


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