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Re: Texinfo.tex, problem with too-long table inside @float

From: Gavin Smith
Subject: Re: Texinfo.tex, problem with too-long table inside @float
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 20:30:11 +0000

On Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 10:45:14AM +0200, Aharon Robbins wrote:
> Hi.
> Using version 2023-10-19.19 of texinfo.tex, there is a problem if
> a table inside @float goes over one page.  See the attached file.
> If the table is not inside @float, it formats just fine across
> multiple pages.

Unfortunately, it's inherent in the meaning of the @float command that
the enclosed material will fit on a single page.  As long as it is output
inside a \vbox or \vtop, it can't be split across pages.

If I convert your test file to LaTeX with 'texi2any --latex', and then
process the output with pdflatex, the output PDF has exactly the same
problem, with the table disappearing off the bottom of the page.

You could use an @anchor to refer to the table, although without
the automatic numbering of the table, unfortunately.  @float has
the dual purpose of providing numbering and cross-referencing,
as well as controlling the formatting of the block.

(It seems that the @float command at one time was intended to change
the position of the block on the page, but this was never implemented
in texinfo.tex.)

The float caption would not be satisfactorily placed even if the
table did split across pages, as it is placed at the end of the
float, so would not be visible on the first page where the table

How important is it to you that you can refer to tables with text
like "See Table 1"?  Do you have many numbered tables in the document?

Could it be appropriate to place such long tables as these in a section
of their own which then could be cross-referenced as usual?

> This example is culled from a book I'm working on. I need the @float
> in order to be able to use an @ref to the table from the inline prose.
> Much thanks!
> Arnold

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