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Re: Post release texi2any performance regression

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: Re: Post release texi2any performance regression
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 15:18:14 +0100

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 10:12:48PM +0100, Gavin Smith wrote:
> (Simply commenting out
> $document = Texinfo::Structuring::rebuild_document($document);
> improved run times dramatically, but gave incorrect output without
> disabling the other XS code.)

In commit
I have modified the code such that with XS the first document built
out of the parser is a minimal document, without indices/tree, only
information allowing following XS code to find C data, information
on errors and some document information (adding novalidate and
documentlanguage), as there is no perl code needing that information in
the default XS case.  The document/tree usable in perl is obtained by
the Texinfo::Structuring::rebuild_document call.

If you want to have full document built as before for the timing tests,
you'll need to change the calls to parse_texi_file in texi2any.pl and
the calls to parse_texi_text, parse_texi_piece and parse_texi_file
in t/test_utils.pl, replacing the argument using $with_XS by something
that is 0 if the intermediate perl data is to be kept.  For example, if
you add TEXINFO_XS_STRUCTURE, set to 1 in the default case, and set to 0
if the intermediate perl is to be run instead of XS, should be like:

my $document = $parser->parse_texi_file($input_file_name, $with_XS and 


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