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Re: vertical distance between two successive images

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: vertical distance between two successive images
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:00:57 +0000 (UTC)

> In general, I would like to have a new global command for that,
> similar to `@exampleindent`.  Some tabular material – but not all –
> in LilyPond's PDF documentation would look much better if there were
> a 'compressed' mode that could be controlled with such a command.
> Please feel free to ignore my suggestion for a new command.  I would
> be fully happy to get some recommended TeX code instead that I could
> wrap into a macro.

Now looking into the code I see that the vertical space before and
after the image is hard-coded as `\medskip` + `\parskip` if in
vertical mode.

Actually, it seems that `texinfo.tex` isn't prepared to have two
successive images at all.  To completely remove the vertical space
between two images I have to do something like this:

@vskip -@parskip
@vskip -@medskipamount
@vskip -@parskip
@vskip -@medskipamount

This is too much IMHO, irrespective of my needs to have less vertical
space.  Note that `texinfo.tex` doesn't insert that much space
between, say, two successive `@table` environments.

I think this problem originates in the possibility to use `@image`
both in horizontal and vertical mode.  To solve this it is probably
necessary that `@image` emits a tiny vertical skip (say, 1sp) as its
last skip (if in vertical mode).  A successive `@image` call then
checks whether the last skip was exactly this amount; if present,
insertion of more vertical whitespace is suppressed.  `@par` and
friends should also check for this tiny skip and remove it.


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