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Re: maint: Use gnulib's xbinary-io module.

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: Re: maint: Use gnulib's xbinary-io module.
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 02:08:01 +0200

Collin Funk wrote:
> What do you think of the following two patches?

I'm not Andreas, but if I may comment on it:

I like this modernization.

The only things I would do differently:

1) If binary_transput is of type bool, the comment
  /* O_BINARY if binary i/o is desired */
is no longer correct. In order to reduce the amount of conditional
expressions, I would preserve the comment and go back to 'int' rather
than 'bool'.

2) The line breaking in patch.c lines 1584 and 1629:

  int fd = create_file (name,
                        O_WRONLY | (binary_transput ? O_BINARY : 0) | 
                        instat.st_mode, true);

  fd = make_tempfile (&TMPREJNAME, 'r', outname,
                      O_WRONLY | (binary_transput ? O_BINARY : 0), 0666);

Rationale: Try to keep each expression on a single line.


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