This fixes a byte-ordering problem when displaying 8-bit colormapped images
on certain 12, 15, or 16-bit displays.
Thanks to Mr. Ryo Shimizu for coming up with the patch, and to Yuuki Harano
for sending it to me.
*** xvimage.c.old Fri Jan 13 19:11:36 1995
--- xvimage.c Fri Oct 16 12:34:11 1998
*** 1736,1745 ****
if (xim->byte_order == MSBFirst) {
for (i=wide*high, ip=imagedata; i>0; i--,pp++) {
if (((i+1)&0x1ffff) == 0) WaitCursor();
! if (dithpic) {
! *ip++ = ((*pp) ? white : black) & 0xffff;
! }
! else *ip++ = xcolors[*pp] & 0xffff;
else { /* LSBFirst */
--- 1736,1747 ----
if (xim->byte_order == MSBFirst) {
for (i=wide*high, ip=imagedata; i>0; i--,pp++) {
if (((i+1)&0x1ffff) == 0) WaitCursor();
! if (dithpic) xcol = ((*pp) ? white : black) & 0xffff;
! else xcol = xcolors[*pp] & 0xffff;
! *((unsigned char *)ip)++ = (xcol>>8) & 0xff;
! *((unsigned char *)ip)++ = (xcol) & 0xff;
else { /* LSBFirst */
*** 1749,1756 ****
if (dithpic) xcol = ((*pp) ? white : black) & 0xffff;
else xcol = xcolors[*pp];
! /* WAS *ip++ = ((xcol>>8) & 0xff) | ((xcol&0xff) << 8); */
! *ip++ = (unsigned short) (xcol);
--- 1751,1758 ----
if (dithpic) xcol = ((*pp) ? white : black) & 0xffff;
else xcol = xcolors[*pp];
! *((unsigned char *)ip)++ = (xcol) & 0xff;
! *((unsigned char *)ip)++ = (xcol>>8) & 0xff;