On Fri, 11 Apr 2014, Andreas Grünbacher wrote:
patch tries to preserve the security.selinux attribute, but the kernel
doesn't let it do that:
lgetxattr("f", "security.selinux", "unlabeled", 10) = 10
lsetxattr("./f.o7cZfkQ", "security.selinux", "unlabeled", 10, 0) =
-1 EOPNOTSUPP (Operation not supported)
One way to work around the problem is to add a line with
"security.selinux skip" to
/etc/xattr.conf, but the real question is where the "unlabeled" label
is coming from,
and why it can't be set.
So far, have only narrowed down the bug a little:
1. It is not a "patch" bug.
2. It is not something omitted building the custom kernel (3.10.35)
Upgraded attr from 2.4.46 to 2.4.47 - no help
tried running as root - no help