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partroot-1.6.1 / 1.6.2.

From: lewiz
Subject: partroot-1.6.1 / 1.6.2.
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 15:04:50 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i


  I'm running FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE and I've been trying to write the
images to floppies.  The first disk (partboot.img) work just fine when I
run dd if=partboot.img of=/dev/fd0 but when I try and copy the root
images (either 1.6.1 or 1.6.2) I receive the following:

# dd if=partroot-1.6.2.img of=/dev/fd0
dd: /dev/fd0: Invalid argument
2328+1 records in
2328+0 records out
1191936 bytes transferred in 41.879547 secs (28461 bytes/sec)

  From here if I try and boot with the first disk it all goes fine but
when I insert the second disk it appears to find a compressed image but
after a while it fails with a different error each time (e.g. invalid
compressed image).

  Any suggestions?


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