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Re: parted check option

From: Andrew Clausen
Subject: Re: parted check option
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 08:34:08 +1100

Thomas Roelz wrote:
> Sorry for having been unclear with this...
> Let me explain it a bit further. As you might have noticed we at
> SuSE want to use parted within our installation workflow

What do you mean by "workflow"?  Do you mean: install program?

> parted is a marvelous piece of software ;-)).

Thanks ;-)

> In this context it
> would be helpful to have the action related check option mentioned
> above because the user might prearrange some installation specific
> things (i.e. create some partitions, select packages to be installed
> and such like). All this will be actually done later in the workflow,
> so it would be nice to see if it is possible beforehand. Certainly I
> agree that this is not possible for overlapping disk actions as
> mentioned by you.

Well, it is, and I intend to do it (but it's non-trivial!).  But,
you have to verify the entire queue of operations together, not one
at a time.

> But it could be helpful for "simple" one-step-actions
> like resizing an existing partition. Since parted already _does_ check
> the situation prior to doing something it should be not too difficult
> to implement such a check-only-option using some kind of
> "this is for real" flag in the relevant code parts.

Well, Parted always "dies" cleanly, anyway.  So, if you're only
checking one operation ahead, then why not just DO it, and if it
doesn't work, you know it doesn't work?  ;-)

> BTW: How about the progress meter we talked about a few weeks ago?

Hmmm... it hasn't moved from the TODO list!  I have more time now,
but some more exams are coming...!

Andrew Clausen

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