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Re: Using ncurses only for terminfo (no I/O)

From: Nicholas Marriott
Subject: Re: Using ncurses only for terminfo (no I/O)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 15:59:22 +0000


tmux has been stripping padding from the result of tiget*() and writing
it itself for 10 years now and I have had no problems reported

On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 11:22:33PM -0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> I've recently been working with ncurses from Python, and would like to
> use ncurses only for terminfo purposes. I can call tigetstr() and then
> tparm() if needed, and write the result using Python's normal output
> stream.  Everything works as expected using urxvt, but what sort of
> failure modes I should be expecting because I'm not using tputs() or
> putp() as specified in the man page?
>     Parameterized strings should be passed through tparm to
>     instantiate them.  All terminfo strings (including the output of
>     tparm) should be printed with tputs or putp.
> Apparently, one of the things tputs does is "apply padding
> information":
>     The tputs routine applies padding information to the string str
>     and outputs it.
> I have no idea what "applies padding information" means, or what's
> going to fail without it. Does that mean adding NULs to allow time for
> the terminal to complete certain commands? Are there still terminals
> in use that require that sort of thing? I can live with it if my apps
> don't work on a Lear-Siegler ADM-3.
> The basic 'problem' is that tputs and putp write to libc's FILE
> *stdout stream. Python's normal output mechanisms have their own
> buffering and write to file descriptor 1 instead of FILE
> *stdout. Therefore, "normal" Python output can't be mixed with putp()
> or tputs() calls without a fair amount of ugliness[1].
> I thought about using tputs() to do all output, but the ncurses man
> page appears to forbid that:
>        * The str parameter must be a terminfo string variable or the
>          return value from tparm, tiparm, tgetstr, or tgoto.
> Alternateivly, with enough hacking (and Python's foreign function
> intrface), I could probably get Python's "normal" output calls to
> write to libc's FILE *stdout instead of to file descriptor 1.
> Here's a small example of what I'm doing now (which seems to work):
>     #!/usr/bin/python
>     import curses,sys
>     curses.setupterm()
>     write = sys.stdout.write
>     bold = curses.tigetstr('bold').decode('ascii')
>     norm = curses.tigetstr('sgr0').decode('ascii')
>     cls = curses.tigetstr('clear').decode('ascii')
>     cup = curses.tigetstr('cup')
>     def goto(row,column):
>         write(curses.tparm(cup,row,column).decode('ascii'))
>     def clear():
>         write(cls)
>     clear()    
>     name = input("enter name: ")
>     for row in [3,5,10,20]:
>         goto(row, row+5)
>         write(f'{bold}Hi there {name}{norm}')
>         goto(row+1, row+6)
>         write(f'Hi there {name}')
>     goto(24,0)    
>     input("press enter to exit: ")
>     clear()
> [1] The ugliness needed to mix putp/tputs and "normal" output
>     comprises wrapping all the output functions (of both the Python
>     and ncurses flavors) with code that does flushes both before and
>     after the actual output calls. And just to add to the smell,
>     calling fflush() is not something that Python supports natively
>     (you've got to use a foreign function interface subsystem to call
>     libc functions).

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