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Bottom ripped-off line content lost on screen resize

From: Katarina Machalkova
Subject: Bottom ripped-off line content lost on screen resize
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 10:59:58 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 20070904.708012)


In my app, I want to have a contrast bottom status line. So I used 
ripoffline() routine to reserve bottom screen line for status information as 

int ripinit_bottom( WINDOW * w, int c )
  status_w = w;
  return OK;

ripoffline( -1, ripinit_bottom) 

Then I put some content into the status line which is now in separate window:

void SetStatusLine( const string & str ) 
   status_line = str;
   wbkgd( status_w, style()(NCstyle::AppTitle) );
   werase( status_w );
   mvwaddstr( status_w, 0, 1,.status_line.c_str() );
   wnoutrefresh( status_w );

Now the problem: using the screen resize handler (which calls the above 
SetStatusLine routine) the bottom line fails to update. It either remains 
empty (on enlarging the window) or contains some debris from the previous 
screen (on shrinking the window).
However, none of the above happens if the window is resized in horizontal 
dimenzion only (made wider or narrower).

Any hint what's missing here (some screen redraw call, or,...)?

   \\\\\              Katarina Machalkova    
  \\\\\\\__o          YaST developer
__\\\\\\\'/_          & hedgehog painter

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