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From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: ncurses-5.4-20050416.patch.gz
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 19:39:21 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i

 ncurses 5.4 - patch 20050416 - T.Dickey


 Ncurses 5.4 is at

 Patches for ncurses 5.4 are in the subdirectory

 NEWS                           |   14 
 aclocal.m4                     |    7 
 config.guess                   |   16 
 config.sub                     |   10 
 configure                      | 1383 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 dist.mk                        |    4 
 form/fld_def.c                 |    4 
 form/frm_driver.c              |    8 
 form/frm_opts.c                |    6 
 form/frm_req_name.c            |    6 
 form/fty_alnum.c               |    4 
 form/fty_alpha.c               |    4 
 form/fty_int.c                 |    4 
 form/fty_num.c                 |    4 
 menu/m_global.c                |    4 
 menu/m_item_new.c              |   28 
 menu/m_pattern.c               |    8 
 menu/m_req_name.c              |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_bkgd.c        |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_instr.c       |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_mouse.c       |    8 
 ncurses/base/lib_slkset.c      |   13 
 ncurses/curses.priv.h          |    4 
 ncurses/tinfo/comp_scan.c      |    4 
 ncurses/tinfo/lib_termcap.c    |    8 
 ncurses/trace/lib_trace.c      |    4 
 ncurses/trace/lib_traceatr.c   |    6 
 ncurses/trace/lib_tracechr.c   |    7 
 ncurses/widechar/charable.c    |    6 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_get_wch.c |   10 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_ins_wch.c |    4 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_wunctrl.c |   11 
 progs/infocmp.c                |    6 
 tack/control.c                 |    8 
 tack/sync.c                    |    8 
 tack/tack.h                    |    8 
 test/README                    |   98 +-
 test/demo_forms.c              |    6 
 test/demo_menus.c              |   18 
 test/ditto.c                   |   20 
 test/dots.c                    |    4 
 test/firstlast.c               |    9 
 test/hashtest.c                |    8 
 test/ins_wide.c                |   10 
 test/inserts.c                 |   18 
 test/ncurses.c                 |  109 +--
 test/newdemo.c                 |    6 
 test/tclock.c                  |    4 
 test/testcurs.c                |   10 
 test/view.c                    |    6 
 test/xmas.c                    |    4 
 51 files changed, 1014 insertions(+), 963 deletions(-)

        + update config.guess, config.sub
        + modify configure script check for _XOPEN_SOURCE, disable that on
          Darwin whose header files have problems (patch by Chris Zubrzycki).
        + modify form library Is_Printable_String() to use iswprint() rather
          than wcwidth() for determining if a character is printable.  The
          latter caused it to reject menu items containing non-spacing
        + modify ncurses test program's F-test to handle non-spacing characters
          by combining them with a reverse-video blank.
        + review/fix several gcc -Wconversion warnings.

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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