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Mescc is SLOW (it's running twice -- and other things might be too)

From: Ekaitz Zarraga
Subject: Mescc is SLOW (it's running twice -- and other things might be too)
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:32:42 +0100


Some people at #bootstrappable realized that the mescc was doing everything twice as it's warnings appeared twice in the terminal.

I tracked down the issue and yes, it does since 0.26.

Adding some debugging shows it very obviously:

$ out-0.25.1/bin/mescc TEST.c -o HOLA -vvv
parsing: input
compiling: input
dumping: TEST.s

$ out-0.26/bin/mescc TEST.c  -o HOLA -vvv
parsing: input
compiling: input
dumping: TEST.s
parsing: input
compiling: input
dumping: TEST.s

I think the root of this comes from: 9bd6dfab5c2b8458b0d6ef4d2d530eaf012b0bbc

Let me elaborate.

This is `scripts/mescc.scm.in` (shortened for brevity):

#! @GUILE@ \
--no-auto-compile -e main -L @guile_site_dir@ -C @guile_site_ccache_dir@ -s

  (if (current-module) (use-modules (mescc))
      (mes-use-module (mescc)))
  (mescc:main (command-line)))
  (use-modules (mescc))))

(define (main args)
  (mescc:main args))

This file runs `(mescc:main)` twice in Mes, but once in Guile.
The cond-expand there is running the mescc:main function but the main below is being run automatically when running `mescc` in the command line. I guess, because the module system knows how to do it automatically, and before it didn't.

This is producing the double compilation issue and but might affect in other parts of the code where similar approaches were taken (I didn't check).

Will removing the `(mescc:main (command-line))` form the `cond-expand` fix this, or do we need to track if the module system is loaded or not and act accordingly?

I'm not sure about what's cleaner, I'll let you decide.


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