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Re: --headers limit

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: Re: --headers limit
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 02:32:40 +0800

Yes, I am talking about -H headers: one line per message.

E.g., for a remote mailbox with a thousands of mails in it, if I just
want to see what the last 20, or first 20 messages' headers are, with
the minimum of data passing over the wire.

>>>>> "SP" == Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua> writes:
SP> These are not message headers in the sense of RFC2822 et al.  'Headers'
SP> means the mail summary output: one line per message, containing message
SP> number, date, size, sender and first bytes of the subject.  That by
SP> no means implies "thousands of headers over IMAP" (but it depends on
SP> the number of messages in the mailbox, of course).

Yes, best would be just 20 lines of data passing over the wire.

But OK, each message needs 5 lines of header to make the one line we see
on our screens with -H.

So OK, 20 * 5 = 100 lines passing over the wire.

SP> That being said, having a way to limit the number of lines in the -H
SP> output might sometimes be useful.  Thanks for the hint.

SP> Regards,
SP> Sergey

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