Somehow I don't feel it's as important
to be able to reboot from the keyboard as it was when the machine
was on another floor or in the next room or something. I'd say
c-m-c-m could be the only chord, with a "meta"(!) c-m-c-m binding
which you could put on F12 or whatever (please don't hardwire it).
If that would be available, having a reboot on c-c-m or c-m-m
would be more of an annoyance than a help?
-- Björn
On 2024-12-08 20:25, Mete Balci wrote:
I think I would like to keep MCCM, but I will add a check
so if it is only MC it will not work. I can still add F12
combinations as alternatives.
On Sun, Dec 8, 2024 at 8:14 PM
Alfred M. Szmidt <>
Yes and no. Because ctrl and meta are freely assignable, the
reasonable check is I think to check if all ctrl and meta
keys are
down. So if only a single ctrl and meta are mapped (e.g.
only left
ctrl and left alt), then it would also cause a boot. But
default mapping is both ctrl and alt keys. So I think my
then would be: if c-m-return and c-m-rubout should not
reboot in
any case, then I can prevent single ctrl and meta mappings
trigger a reboot. In this case there will be no boot
function from
the keyboard. Would it be better ?
What about doing something like F12-Return / F12-Rubout that
M-C-C-M-Rubout/Return combination? Most modern-ish keyboards
differentiate between right/left buckies.
We definitly do not want M-C-Return / M-C-Rubout stop working.