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Re: [Bug-librejs] treatment of schema of URL in Web label matching

From: Loic J. Duros
Subject: Re: [Bug-librejs] treatment of schema of URL in Web label matching
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 16:59:53 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Hi Peter:

You suggestion makes a lot of sense, yes. It would make sense to accept
SSL or not if you start with //example.com. The only issue is that right now
is that it can accept local paths, and it would probably see
//example.com as a local path, so there is a little of logic to
add. Ideally, maybe we could think of simple regex patterns that LibreJS
would match: .*example.com/js/jquery-.* so that it matches any script
with jquery-xxxx.js. But this may lead to tricky errors from

Peter Olson <address@hidden> writes:

> Thinking a little more about this, are these equivalent?
>  http://example.com/abc/def/ghi/../js/xyz.js
>  http://example.com/abc/def/js/xyz.js

These wouldn't be equivalent for LibreJS, I don't think so. But yeh, I
guess we could generate a proper URL (the second one) and figure out
that the first is the same. Another solution would be to visit those
scripts, generate a hash (we already do that to accept known libraries),
and then allow any URL when the hash matches that particular url you had
linked to initially in the js web labels. Generating the hashes takes a
little bit of time but I don't think it would be so bad if it's done
asynchronously without freezing the UI.

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