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Re: [bug-inetutils] Argpifying ping.

From: Sergey Poznyakoff
Subject: Re: [bug-inetutils] Argpifying ping.
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:37:31 +0300

Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray <address@hidden> wrote:

> Here (http://glug-nith.org/~rishi/download/src/ping-argp.diff) is a
> more complete patch to argpify ping:

Looks good. And works good too:) I'd only suggest to add '(root only)'
to docstrings of the options available only to superuser and print a short
explanation after the help output, like this (\v in doc[] means that the
text it precedes will be output after all options):

Index: ping.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/inetutils/inetutils/ping/ping.c,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -p -u -r1.30 ping.c
--- ping.c      17 Nov 2006 13:57:29 -0000      1.30
+++ ping.c      30 Mar 2007 08:34:05 -0000
@@ -46,234 +46,208 @@
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <limits.h>
+#include <argp.h>
 #include <getopt.h>
 #include <icmp.h>
 #include <ping.h>
 #include "ping_common.h"
 #include "ping_impl.h"
-static char short_options[] = "VLhc:dfi:l:np:qRrs:t:v";
-static struct option long_options[] = {
-  /* Help options */
-  {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
-  {"license", no_argument, NULL, 'L'},
-  {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
-  /* Common options */
-  {"count", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
-  {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd'},
-  {"ignore-routing", no_argument, NULL, 'r'},
-  {"size", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
-  {"interval", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
-  {"numeric", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
-  {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
-  /* Packet types */
-  {"type", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
-  {"echo", no_argument, NULL, ICMP_ECHO},
-  {"timestamp", no_argument, NULL, ICMP_TIMESTAMP},
-  {"address", no_argument, NULL, ICMP_ADDRESS},
-  {"router", no_argument, NULL, ICMP_ROUTERDISCOVERY},
-  /* echo-specific options */
-  {"flood", no_argument, NULL, 'f'},
-  {"preload", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
-  {"pattern", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
-  {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'},
-  {"route", no_argument, NULL, 'R'},
-  {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0}
 extern int ping_echo (int argc, char **argv);
 extern int ping_timestamp (int argc, char **argv);
 extern int ping_address (int argc, char **argv);
 extern int ping_router (int argc, char **argv);
 PING *ping;
+bool is_root = false;
 u_char *data_buffer;
+u_char *patptr;
+int pattern_len = 16;
+int socket_type;
+size_t count = DEFAULT_PING_COUNT;
+size_t interval;
 size_t data_length = PING_DATALEN;
 unsigned options;
 unsigned long preload = 0;
 int (*ping_type) (int argc, char **argv) = ping_echo;
-static void show_usage (void);
-static void decode_type (const char *optarg);
+/*static void decode_type (const char *optarg);*/
+int (*decode_type (const char *optarg)) (int argc, char **argv);
 static int send_echo (PING * ping);
-char *program_name;
+const char *argp_program_bug_address = "<" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">";
+const char *argp_program_version = "ping (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " PACKAGE_VERSION
+"\nThis is free software.  You may redistribute copies of it under the terms 
+"\nthe GNU General Public License <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>."
+"\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
+"\nWritten by Sergey Poznyakoff.";
+const char args_doc[] = "ADDRESS";
+const char doc[] = "Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts.\vOptions 
marked with (root only) are available only to superuser";
+/* Define keys for long options that do not have short counterpart. */
+enum {
+  ARG_ECHO = 256,
+static struct argp_option argp_options[] = {
+#define GRP 0
+  {NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "Options controlling ICMP request types:", GRP},
+  {"echo", ARG_ECHO, NULL, 0, "Send ICMP_ECHO requests (default)", GRP+1},
+  {"address", ARG_ADDRESS, NULL, 0, "Send ICMP_ADDRESS packets (root only)", 
+  {"timestamp", ARG_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0, "Send ICMP_TIMESTAMP packets", GRP+1},
+  /* This option is not yet fully implemented, so mark it as hidden. */
+   "ICMP_ROUTERDISCOVERY packets (root only)", GRP+1},
+#undef GRP
+#define GRP 10
+  {NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "Options valid for all request types:", GRP},
+  {"count", 'c', "NUMBER", 0, "Stop after sending NUMBER packets", GRP+1},
+  {"debug", 'd', NULL, 0, "Set the SO_DEBUG option", GRP+1},
+  {"interval", 'i', "NUMBER", 0, "Wait NUMBER seconds between sending each "
+   "packet", GRP+1},
+  {"numeric", 'n', NULL, 0, "Do not resolve host addresses", GRP+1},
+  {"ignore-routing", 'r', NULL, 0, "Send directly to a host on an attached "
+   "network", GRP+1},
+  {"verbose", 'v', NULL, 0, "Verbose output", GRP+1},
+#undef GRP
+#define GRP 20
+  {NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "Options valid for --echo requests:", GRP},
+  {"flood", 'f', NULL, 0, "Flood ping (root only)", GRP+1},
+  {"preload", 'l', "NUMBER", 0, "Send NUMBER packets as fast as possible "
+   "before falling into normal mode of behavior (root only)", GRP+1},
+  {"pattern", 'p', "PAT", 0, "Fill ICMP packet with given pattern (hex)",
+   GRP+1},
+  {"quiet", 'q', NULL, 0, "Quiet output", GRP+1},
+  {"route", 'r', NULL, 0, "Record route", GRP+1},
+  {"size", 's', "NUMBER", 0, "Send NUMBER data octets", GRP+1},
+#undef GRP
+  {NULL}
+static error_t
+parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
+  char *endptr;
+  u_char pattern[16];
+  double v;
+  switch (key)
+    {
+    case 'c':
+      count = ping_cvt_number (arg, 0, 1);
+      break;
+    case 'd':
+      socket_type = SO_DEBUG;
+      break;
+    case 'r':
+      socket_type = SO_DONTROUTE;
+      break;
+    case 'i':
+      v = strtod (arg, &endptr);
+      if (*endptr)
+          argp_error (state, "Invalid value (`%s' near `%s')\n", arg, endptr);
+      options |= OPT_INTERVAL;
+      interval = v * PING_PRECISION;
+      if (!is_root && interval < MIN_USER_INTERVAL)
+          argp_error (state, "Option value too small: %s\n", arg);
+      break;
+    case 'p':
+      decode_pattern (arg, &pattern_len, pattern);
+      patptr = pattern;
+      break;
+    case 's':
+      data_length = ping_cvt_number (arg, PING_MAX_DATALEN, 1);
+      break;
+    case 'n':
+      options |= OPT_NUMERIC;
+      break;
+    case 'q':
+      options |= OPT_QUIET;
+      break;
+    case 'R':
+      options |= OPT_RROUTE;
+      break;
+    case 'v':
+      options |= OPT_VERBOSE;
+      break;
+    case 'l':
+      preload = strtoul (arg, &endptr, 0);
+      if (*endptr || preload > INT_MAX)
+          argp_error (state, "Invalid preload value (%s)\n", arg);
+      break;
+    case 'f':
+      options |= OPT_FLOOD;
+      break;
+    case 't':
+      ping_type = decode_type (arg);
+      break;
+    case ARG_ECHO:
+      ping_type = decode_type ("echo");
+      break;
+    case ARG_TIMESTAMP:
+      ping_type = decode_type ("timestamp");
+      break;
+    case ARG_ADDRESS:
+      ping_type = decode_type ("address");
+      break;
+      ping_type = decode_type ("router");
+      break;
+    case ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS:
+      argp_usage (state);
+      break;
+    default:
+      return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static struct argp argp = {argp_options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc};
 main (int argc, char **argv)
   int c;
-  char *p;
+  int index;
   int one = 1;
-  u_char pattern[16];
-  int pattern_len = 16;
-  u_char *patptr = NULL;
-  bool is_root = false;
-  size_t count = DEFAULT_PING_COUNT;
-  int socket_type = 0;
-  size_t interval = 0;
-  program_name = argv[0];
+  char *p;
   if (getuid () == 0)
     is_root = true;
   /* Parse command line */
-  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL))
-        != EOF)
-    {
-      switch (c)
-       {
-       case 'V':
-         printf ("ping - %s %s\n", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION);
-         printf ("Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n");
-         printf ("%s comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n", PACKAGE_NAME);
-         printf ("You may redistribute copies of %s\n", PACKAGE_NAME);
-         printf ("under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\n");
-         printf ("For more information about these matters, ");
-         printf ("see the files named COPYING.\n");
-         exit (0);
-         break;
-       case 'L':
-         show_license ();
-         exit (0);
-       case 'h':
-         show_usage ();
-         exit (0);
-         break;
-       case 'c':
-         count = ping_cvt_number (optarg, 0, 1);
-         break;
-       case 'd':
-         socket_type = SO_DEBUG;
-         break;
-       case 'r':
-         socket_type = SO_DONTROUTE;
-         break;
-       case 'i':
-         {
-           double v;
-           v = strtod (optarg, &p);
-           if (*p)
-             {
-               fprintf (stderr, "Invalid value (`%s' near `%s')\n",
-                        optarg, p);
-               exit (1);
-             }
-           options |= OPT_INTERVAL;
-           interval = v * PING_PRECISION;
-           if (!is_root && interval < MIN_USER_INTERVAL)
-             {
-               fprintf (stderr, "Option value too small: %s\n", optarg);
-               exit (1);
-             }
-         }
-         break;
-       case 'p':
-         decode_pattern (optarg, &pattern_len, pattern);
-         patptr = pattern;
-         break;
-       case 's':
-         data_length = ping_cvt_number (optarg, PING_MAX_DATALEN, 1);
-         break;
-       case 'n':
-         options |= OPT_NUMERIC;
-         break;
-       case 'q':
-         options |= OPT_QUIET;
-         break;
-       case 'R':
-         options |= OPT_RROUTE;
-         break;
-       case 'v':
-         options |= OPT_VERBOSE;
-         break;
+  if (argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, &index, NULL))
+      exit(1);
-       case 'l':
-         if (!is_root)
-           {
-             fprintf (stderr, "ping: option not allowed: --preload\n");
-             exit (1);
-           }
-         preload = strtoul (optarg, &p, 0);
-         if (*p || preload > INT_MAX)
-           {
-             fprintf (stderr, "ping: invalid preload value (%s)\n", optarg);
-             exit (1);
-           }
-         break;
-       case 'f':
-         if (is_root == false)
-           {
-             fprintf (stderr, "ping: option not allowed: --flood\n");
-             exit (1);
-           }
-         options |= OPT_FLOOD;
-         setbuf (stdout, (char *) NULL);
-         break;
-       case 't':
-         decode_type (optarg);
-         break;
-       case ICMP_ECHO:
-         decode_type ("echo");
-         break;
-       case ICMP_TIMESTAMP:
-         decode_type ("timestamp");
-         break;
-       case ICMP_ADDRESS:
-         if (!is_root)
-           {
-             fprintf (stderr, "ping: option not allowed: --address\n");
-             exit (1);
-           }
-         decode_type ("address");
-         break;
-         if (!is_root)
-           {
-             fprintf (stderr, "ping: option not allowed: --router\n");
-             exit (1);
-           }
-         decode_type ("router");
-         break;
-       default:
-         fprintf (stderr, "%c: not implemented\n", c);
-         exit (1);
-       }
-    }
-  argc -= optind;
-  argv += optind;
-  if (argc == 0)
-    {
-      show_usage ();
-      exit (0);
-    }
+  argv += index;
+  argc -= index;
   ping = ping_init (ICMP_ECHO, getpid ());
   if (ping == NULL)
@@ -297,14 +271,14 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   init_data_buffer (patptr, pattern_len);
-  return (*ping_type) (argc, argv);
+  return (*(ping_type)) (argc, argv);
-decode_type (const char *optarg)
+(*decode_type (const char *optarg)) (int argc, char **argv)
+  int (*ping_type) (int argc, char **argv);
   if (strcasecmp (optarg, "echo") == 0)
     ping_type = ping_echo;
   else if (strcasecmp (optarg, "timestamp") == 0)
@@ -320,6 +294,8 @@ decode_type (const char *optarg)
       fprintf (stderr, "unsupported packet type: %s\n", optarg);
       exit (1);
+ return ping_type;
 int volatile stop = 0;
@@ -467,40 +443,3 @@ ping_finish ()
   printf ("\n");
   return 0;
-show_usage (void)
-  printf ("\
-Usage: ping [OPTION]... [ADDRESS]...\n\
-Informational options:\n\
-  -h, --help         display this help and exit\n\
-  -L, --license      display license and exit\n\
-  -V, --version      output version information and exit\n\
-Options controlling ICMP request types:\n\
-  --echo             Send ICMP_ECHO requests (default)\n\
-* --address          Send ICMP_ADDRESS packets\n\
-  --timestamp        Send ICMP_TIMESTAMP packets\n\
-* --router           Send ICMP_ROUTERDISCOVERY packets\n\
-Options valid for all request types:\n\
-  -c, --count N      stop after sending N packets (default: %d)\n\
-  -d, --debug        set the SO_DEBUG option\n\
-  -i, --interval N   wait N seconds between sending each packet\n\
-  -n, --numeric      do not resolve host addresses\n\
-  -r, --ignore-routing  send directly to a host on an attached network\n\
-  -v, --verbose      verbose output\n\
-Options valid for --echo requests:\n\
-* -f, --flood        flood ping \n\
-* -l, --preload N    send N packets as fast as possible before falling into\n\
-                     normal mode of behavior\n\
-  -p, --pattern PAT  fill ICMP packet with given pattern (hex)\n\
-  -q, --quiet        quiet output\n\
-  -R, --route        record route\n\
-  -s, --size N       set number of data octets to send\n\
-Options marked with an * are available only to super-user\n\
-Report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n\

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