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indent repeatidly appends "const" at the end of a C++ function implement

From: Nicolas Melot
Subject: indent repeatidly appends "const" at the end of a C++ function implementation header
Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 15:38:29 +0200


I would like to report a bug with indent (v. 2.2.9 downloaded from
ftp://ftp.df.lth.se/pub/ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/indent/ and compiled on
standard, non-updated Ubuntu 12.04)

I attempt to format a C++ file with indent, and later check if the the
file was set in a correct format. I realized that successive running
several times "indent -st" through a pipe fed by a simple C++ line
always produce some change at each stage of the pipe. Example:

diff <(cat source.cpp | indent -st | indent -st) <(cat
src/MakespanFft.cpp | indent -st | indent -st | indent -st)


<      Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const const const
>      Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const const const const

with the file "source.cpp" attached in this email. I would expect diff
to produce no output at all.

In other words, if I run "cat source.cpp | indent -st"
I get
Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const const
where I would expect 
Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const
(only one occurence of const)
If I run "cat source.cpp | indent -st | indent -st", I get:
     Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const const const
and I expect
Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const
(no tabs expected as there was no tabs after the first run of indent,
and only one occurence of "const" where there are now 3 of them)

If I run "cat source.cpp | indent -st | indent -st | indent -st", I get
     Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const const const const
and I still expect
Foo::bar (const xx & yy, const zz & tt) const
Note that this time, "indent" did not indent a second time all the
lines, but it still added another occurence of const.

Hoping this bug report will be helpful,

Best regards,

Nicolas Melot


Nicolas Melot
PELAB, Computer sciences department (IDA)
Linköping university
S-58183 Linköping, Sweden

Office : Valla campus, B-Huset, 3B:488 (second floor)
Phone  : +46 1328 2483
Mobile : +46 737 03 3860
Web    : http://www.ida.liu.se/~nicme26

Attachment: source.cpp
Description: Text Data

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