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[Bug-indent] Preprocessor directives formatting

From: Stepan Kasal
Subject: [Bug-indent] Preprocessor directives formatting
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:46:21 -0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i


On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 10:23:32AM -0400, Derek Price wrote:
> [...] double-include protection should be ignored for the purposes of
> indenting compiler directives in headers,
> I would note that GNU indent doesn't currently support Paul's style.  It
> supports intentation of cpp directives, but only to leave them
> unmodified or to indent them by a set # of spaces per nested block,
> without an option to make an exception for the first #if block encountered.

that is a serious flaw in indent-2.2.9.  A new option should be added for
this: if the whole file is one big #ifndef..#endif, this outermost #ifdef
would be ignored.  It should be on by default.

Moreover, two of the three options you mentioned are not properly
        --preprocessor-indentationN    -ppiN
        --remove-preprocessor-space    -nlps

They are missing from `Option Summary', both from the list of
descriptions and from the `Cross Key' table below.

I'm not sure whether indent is actively developped, but at least this bug
report is filed in bug-indent archives now.

Have a nice day,

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