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[Bug-indent] bug with gnu indent 2.2.9

From: rjones
Subject: [Bug-indent] bug with gnu indent 2.2.9
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 10:41:20 -0600
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 4.0-cvs

Hi Again,

Sorry for the incomplete previous message. I was trying to report a bug with gnu
indent 2.2.9 in which const member functions in C++ programs which have the
"const" tag at the end of the function signature get duplicate "const" tags.
Which is to say that when I run indent on the following file:

// begin file

void foo::fn() const
   cout << "Hello, World" << endl;

// end file

I get the following output:

// begin file

void foo::fn() const const
   cout << "Hello, World" << endl;

// end file

BTW: my .indent.pro looks like this:

-bad -bap -bbb -bl -bli0 -bls -bs -cbi0 -ci3 -cli0 -fca -hnl -i3 -l100
-lp -nbbo -nbc -ncdw -nce -ncs -nip -npcs -npsl -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -nsc
-nsob -nut -pi2 -pmt -prs -sbi0 -ts3

Rob Jones

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