Hi Ihor:
Please replace this function in your hyperbole.el file and see if when you reload Hyperbole, things are good for you. -- Bob
(defun hkey-initialize ()
"If `hkey-init' is non-nil, initialize Hyperbole key bindings.
Some keys are conditionally bound only if there are no existing prior bindings
of the commands."
(when hkey-init
;; Setup so Hyperbole menus can be accessed from a key. If not
;; already bound to a key, this typically binds the command `hyperbole'
;; globally to {C-h h} and activates Hyperbole minor mode.
(unless (or (where-is-internal #'hyperbole (current-global-map))
(null help-char)
(not (keymapp (lookup-key (current-global-map) (char-to-string help-char)))))
;; In GNU Emacs, this binding replaces a command that shows
;; the word hello in foreign languages; this binding makes this
;; key much more useful.
(global-set-key (vector help-char ?h) #'hyperbole))
;; Set C-c prefix key in hyperbole-mode-map for later key bindings
(hkey-set-key "\C-c" (make-sparse-keymap))
;; Bind the Action Key to {M-RET} and the Assist Key to {C-u M-RET}
;; and load the Hyperbole mouse key bindings.
(unless (where-is-internal #'hkey-either)
;; Need to map all these variants to ensure can override
;; `org-meta-return' in Org mode when desired.
(mapc (lambda (key) (hkey-set-key (kbd key) #'hkey-either))
'("\M-\C-m" "M-<return>" "M-RET" "ESC <return>" "ESC RET")))
;; Typically bind the key, {C-h A}, for Action Key help and {C-u C-h A} for Assist key
;; help.
(unless (where-is-internal #'hkey-help)
(hkey-set-key (vector help-char ?A) #'hkey-help))
;; Define virtual key used to activate hyperbole minor modeline menu
;; (hkey-set-key [hyperbole] (infodock-hyperbole-menu t))
;; Provide a site standard way of emulating most Hyperbole mouse drag
;; commands from the keyboard. This is most useful for rapidly creating
;; Hyperbole link buttons from the keyboard without invoking the Hyperbole
;; menu. Works only if Hyperbole is run under a window system.
(when (hyperb:window-system)
(if (eq (global-key-binding "\M-o") #'facemenu-keymap)
;; Override facemenu package that adds a keymap on M-o,
;; since this binding is more important to Hyperbole
;; users.
(hkey-set-key "\M-o" #'hkey-operate)
(hkey-maybe-set-key "\M-o" #'hkey-operate)))
;; Explicit button renames without invoking the Hyperbole menu.
;; No binding by default.
;; Don't override prior bindings of this key.
;; (hkey-maybe-set-key "\C-cr" #'hui:ebut-rename)
;; Bind {C-c RET} to select larger and larger syntactical units in a
;; buffer when invoked repeatedly, showing in the minibuffer the type
;; of unit selected each time.
(hkey-maybe-set-key "\C-c\C-m" #'hui-select-thing)
;; Override the {M-w} command from "simple.el" when hyperbole-mode is active
;; to allow copying delimited things, kcell references or regions to the kill ring.
(hkey-set-key [remap kill-ring-save] #'hui-kill-ring-save)
;; Override the {C-x r s} command from "register.el" when hyperbole-mode is active
;; to allow copying delimited things, kcell references or regions to a register.
(hkey-set-key "\C-xrs" #'hui-copy-to-register)
;; Bind {C-c @} to create a user-specified sized grid of windows
;; displaying different buffers.
;; Don't override prior bindings of this key.
(hkey-maybe-set-key "\C-c@" #'hycontrol-windows-grid)
;; Bind {C-c \} to interactively manage windows and frames.
(hkey-maybe-set-key "\C-c\\" #'hycontrol-enable-windows-mode)
;; Bind {C-c /} to display the Hyperbole Find/Web search menu.
(hkey-maybe-set-key "\C-c/" #'hui-search-web)
;; Bind {C-c .} to jump between the start and end of a delimited thing.
;; Don't override prior bindings of this key.
(hkey-maybe-set-key "\C-c." #'hui-select-goto-matching-delimiter)
;; Initialize the Smart Mouse Key bindings. Shifted mouse buttons
;; are always set up. Under InfoDock or with `hmouse-middle-flag'
;; non-nil, also bind the middle mouse button to the Action Key.
;; These bindings are ignored if a particular frame does not have mouse
;; support.
(hmouse-install hmouse-middle-flag)
;; Make a double or triple click of the left mouse button do the
;; same thing as {C-c RET}. It also sets up Java, C++ and HTML modes
;; for proper entity selection.