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New way to write device drivers

From: Frédéric VANNIÈRE
Subject: New way to write device drivers
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 20:38:09 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

A french lab (INRIA) is working on domain-specific languages. A       
domain-specific language is created for a specific application, thus it is
possible to have a minimal syntax, restrict possibilities of the language. An
application developped with a domain-specific language is easier to
understand, maintain and debug.
The lab is working on an application of domain-specific languages for writing
device drivers, it's called devil (DEVice Interface Language). Devil is like
an IDL, you describe the device interface and compile it into C.

There's no need to modify hurd neither existing drivers.

Devil's main page : http://compose.labri.fr/prototypes/devil/ 
(several papers)


          -=[ Homere@krow.org ]=-       
     \  Homere  alias Frédéric VANNIÈRE |
      \ http://www.enseirb.fr/~vanniere |
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